Monday, 10 December 2007

The Last Supper

Call me crazy, but when we first pulled into town here in Noosa in October, I just got the feeling we'd arrived in a special kind of place. Put it this way - it's not every town you arrive in where sports stars are more common than butchers, bakers and candlestick makers.
Ever since we've been here, most days have been marked with one of us turning to the other saying "Wasn't that...?" Fill in the blank with names such as Gordo Byrn, Lori Bowden, Belinda Granger, Grant Hackett, Pat Rafter, AJ...
You're starting to get the picture...This place is sports star central.
We've loved it all, it's been absolutely superb, and tonight was our last night in Noosa so a load of our Noosa friends came down to our favourite haunt, the good old surf club, for The Last Supper. With the waves crashing in just 50m away and the stars twinkling above us as we tucked into steak and spare ribs, it seemed pretty crazy to think that soon we'll be back in Oxford where it's dark, grey, cold and miserable. Tonight we've been sitting out in shorts and vest tops the whole night without being cold. God help us...we are doomed. I feel like I'm heading back into the greatest depression ever. Prozac anyone?
Before closing, it seems only right to say that, although this time in Noosa has been crazy cool for sports stars, great guys like John & Scott have totally made it. They are pranksters extraordinaire and were trying so desperately to pull a prank on me tonight with a sand crab. They gave us a Christmas card which felt like it had a badge or something in. All excited, I opened it up and fortunately, because the light was pretty poor out on the surf club terrace, I failed to notice that the 'badge', or the lump in the envelope, was actually a sand crab. Yep, that's right, they'd walked along the beach en route to the surf club trying to scoop up a crab to put in our Chrimbo card.
As I tore it open, I didn't realise until there was a shriek further down the table that a crab had just run out of the card.
God knows what pranks they'll have lined up for us when we head to BC in the summer for the Worlds - they'll have six months to think them up so we're fearful already!
Anyway, it is definitely my bedtime here Down Under. This is me signing off from Noosa. We're off to the Whitsundays tomorrow...Goodnight.
Eek x

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