Call me crazy, but when we first pulled into town here in Noosa in October, I just got the feeling we'd arrived in a special kind of place. Put it this way - it's not every town you arrive in where sports stars are more common than butchers, bakers and candlestick makers.
Ever since we've been here, most days have been marked with one of us turning to the other saying "Wasn't that...?" Fill in the blank with names such as Gordo Byrn, Lori Bowden, Belinda Granger, Grant Hackett, Pat Rafter, AJ...
You're starting to get the picture...This place is sports star central.
We've loved it all, it's been absolutely superb, and tonight was our last night in Noosa so a load of our Noosa friends came down to our favourite haunt, the good old surf club, for The Last Supper. With the waves crashing in just 50m away and the stars twinkling above us as we tucked into steak and spare ribs, it seemed pretty crazy to think that soon we'll be back in Oxford where it's dark, grey, cold and miserable. Tonight we've been sitting out in shorts and vest tops the whole night without being cold. God help us...we are doomed. I feel like I'm heading back into the greatest depression ever. Prozac anyone?
Before closing, it seems only right to say that, although this time in Noosa has been crazy cool for sports stars, great guys like John & Scott have totally made it. They are pranksters extraordinaire and were trying so desperately to pull a prank on me tonight with a sand crab. They gave us a Christmas card which felt like it had a badge or something in. All excited, I opened it up and fortunately, because the light was pretty poor out on the surf club terrace, I failed to notice that the 'badge', or the lump in the envelope, was actually a sand crab. Yep, that's right, they'd walked along the beach en route to the surf club trying to scoop up a crab to put in our Chrimbo card.
As I tore it open, I didn't realise until there was a shriek further down the table that a crab had just run out of the card.
God knows what pranks they'll have lined up for us when we head to BC in the summer for the Worlds - they'll have six months to think them up so we're fearful already!
Anyway, it is definitely my bedtime here Down Under. This is me signing off from Noosa. We're off to the Whitsundays tomorrow...Goodnight.
Eek x
Monday, 10 December 2007
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Kangaroos and Kayaks
On our rest day we headed off with John and Scott, a comedy father and son duo over here from Canada, to go kayaking. The first place we went to get boats was a lake in the middle of nowhere and felt really weird. You could almost hear the banjos playing and pig f*ckers ready to kill us ‘outta towners’ for no reason what so ever. Luckily a group decision meant we were out of there.
Before we left though we thought we’d get close up and personal with the kangaroos which were kicking around. When I got too close trying to get a snap they stood tall and put up their dukes. Well one did and the other in bad boy style grabbed his crotch. It was pretty funny. All they needed was a pair of boxing gloves and the cartoon would have been complete. Well apart from me getting a right hook of course!
We went back to town and paddled near Noosa on the estuary. It was a great time and we saw a huge great ray that casually swam below our boat. It was a great way to see town from a different perspective and follow part of the swim course we’d raced round at the start of our time here in Noosa. Big thanks to John and Scott for driving us around for the day, keeping us entertained and all the lifts home from the pool. Cheers guys. See you in BC next summer.
Before we left though we thought we’d get close up and personal with the kangaroos which were kicking around. When I got too close trying to get a snap they stood tall and put up their dukes. Well one did and the other in bad boy style grabbed his crotch. It was pretty funny. All they needed was a pair of boxing gloves and the cartoon would have been complete. Well apart from me getting a right hook of course!
We went back to town and paddled near Noosa on the estuary. It was a great time and we saw a huge great ray that casually swam below our boat. It was a great way to see town from a different perspective and follow part of the swim course we’d raced round at the start of our time here in Noosa. Big thanks to John and Scott for driving us around for the day, keeping us entertained and all the lifts home from the pool. Cheers guys. See you in BC next summer.
Going Long
When I started out in this whole triathlon thing I always had one desire and that was to do Ironman. I’m sure Dr James can verify this as I used to bend his ear on Thursday runs with the Headington bog trotters.
In my first year of this tri malarkey I worked my little legs up to a half IM or 70.3 as they’re called these days. During this first year I was bought the book Going Long by Gordo Byrn. At the time I was so scared of doing a half that the full seemed like a long way off but I read this cover to cover, inside out and back again. I was hooked.
Funny that today just a couple of years on I have not only got through three Ironman events (thanks to all the support from my family and friends) but I was sharing the very same pool as the geezer who’s fodder for all things long changed the way I live my life. When I saw him I almost felt like I knew him because I’d read his words, blogs and various training features in magazines and on the interweb.
I wanted to shout to Eek who was swimming her recovery with the Grangers but thought better of it not wanting to be a complete tri geek. Next thing Max, our swim coach, is hugging Monica Caplan (She even swam in my lane for a bit but rightly got moved up as she was killing us)and chatting to Gordo. It appears that Max has had these guys in his squad in the past too. Eek and I have been saying how great we think Max is as a coach and it’s no surprise that the best in the world have studied under him.
It makes me feel very lucky that not only have I been swimming under Max’s watchful eye but he’s someone I’d call a friend. Shame today was the last of what has become a three a week habit with the legend. So big props to Max and great to run into Gordo, a man who’s words at least, helped inspire this kid all the way through 140.6 gruelling miles on several occasions.
In my first year of this tri malarkey I worked my little legs up to a half IM or 70.3 as they’re called these days. During this first year I was bought the book Going Long by Gordo Byrn. At the time I was so scared of doing a half that the full seemed like a long way off but I read this cover to cover, inside out and back again. I was hooked.
Funny that today just a couple of years on I have not only got through three Ironman events (thanks to all the support from my family and friends) but I was sharing the very same pool as the geezer who’s fodder for all things long changed the way I live my life. When I saw him I almost felt like I knew him because I’d read his words, blogs and various training features in magazines and on the interweb.
I wanted to shout to Eek who was swimming her recovery with the Grangers but thought better of it not wanting to be a complete tri geek. Next thing Max, our swim coach, is hugging Monica Caplan (She even swam in my lane for a bit but rightly got moved up as she was killing us)and chatting to Gordo. It appears that Max has had these guys in his squad in the past too. Eek and I have been saying how great we think Max is as a coach and it’s no surprise that the best in the world have studied under him.
It makes me feel very lucky that not only have I been swimming under Max’s watchful eye but he’s someone I’d call a friend. Shame today was the last of what has become a three a week habit with the legend. So big props to Max and great to run into Gordo, a man who’s words at least, helped inspire this kid all the way through 140.6 gruelling miles on several occasions.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
I love Australia but...

...I really don't like these 'orrible eight-legged creatures. They totally freak me out. I was just minding my own business getting out of the shower last night when this monster jumped out of my towel. Being a completely useless girlie who is petrified of spiders, I shrieked my head off and called for back-up from my rugged SpiderBuster (aka Ozzer). Needless to say, he sauntered into the room, laughing at me, already knowing what I was about to say.
I had to get out of the room as I was starting to get the cold sweats (I honestly do have an irrational fear of spiders) and asked Ozzer to dispose of my terroriser somehow. Back at home he'd obviously have no fears about doing this, but he later admitted that picking up a spider Down Under wasn't on his Top 10 Things I Must Do in Australia. In fact, it's probably on the Top 10 Things Not To Do List.
Anyway, Oz being Oz, he decides the best thing to do is actually get the camera out and photograph our new 'companion' (meanwhile I'm standing dripping wet in a towel in the lounge). I decide to be brave and poke my head around the corner to see what's happening and who's winning, Oz or the spider, when Ozzer just looks up and says "Ahh, he seems to have escaped. But I've got a good photo, if that helps". I didn't really appreciate that much. Until now. Thanks to my SpiderBuster (or SpiderSnapper) I can now show you all the source of my post-shower anxiety last night.
Moving on from the spider, we had a great day today larking about on Fraser Island. I would just like to add to Ozzer's account that when our guide first spotted the dingo, he stopped the bus and suggested people take pictures from inside. Three-two-one, Ozzer the Dingo Hunter leaps up: "Can we get out? Can we get out?!" All of a sudden, the Wee Man is standing on the beach, shark-infested waters to his right, a wild ferocious dog to his left, snapping away. And so, once again, Ozzer's brave selfless acts when armed with a camera and faced with Australian wildlife has spawned yet another brilliant pic for our blog...
Dingo Island

Today the kids had a day off their usual training so used the time to visit the legendary Fraser Island. It is the famed home to the wild dog known commonly as the dingo. Yeap, the very same dingo that ate someone's baby. There are less than 200 on the Island these days (30 were culled after the baby killing) and spotting one isn't a cert. I unhappily found this out once we'd signed up, paid and were on route in the back of what can only be described as a four wheel drive dustbin wagon.
I also found out that swimming in the sea is a no no 'cos of man eating sharks, to be careful of snakes and don't forget the spiders. Headington this isn't. Luckily we were taken to the 7th most desired place to bathe (allegedly) at Lake Mackenzie. It's a beautiful crystal clear fresh water lake with fine white sand and beautiful place to swim. This made for the perfect place to play with the new Olympus 795 waterproof camera (you have a lot to answer Graham!). After Eek and I nearly drowned from laughing so much while trying to snap shots we finally got the hang of the new toy. Can't wait to take it out in the surf and the Whitsunday Islands...
Anyway, going back to Fraser Island: we were dragged around the tourist sites with a truck full of peeps most wouldn't chose to be with. And the whole time I was waiting for the local dog to show its fierce little face. As the day drew closer towards the end and we were heading for the ferry home, somewhat disappointed at the lack of spotting I have to point out, the driver managed to get our 4x4 50ft long beach dragster sideways. At first we thought the problem was the tide as we motored along the beach with the waves now ripping under the wheels.
Then the moment arrived just a few minutes before we due off the island. A dingo was spotted. In a comedy moment that felt like it had just left the stage post drink and ciggy while complaining at wages for appearances, taxes for dogs and bloody tourists, the scrawny ruffled creature kicked around to have its photo taken. I didn't care though. A dingo is a dingo and snapping it from just a few feet away was better than the koala asleep up a tree, the roos on the golf course and the dolphins at Byron Bay. Luckily there were no babies aboard so no problems there. What a day.
As for this week training has been going well and life at the pool is never dull when it comes to stars in the area with Grant Hackett kicking around and sharing a lane with local coach Nick Croft's mum, a former Commonwealth Games medalist. Nuts.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Bloody Buses
As you have probably read from Eek's post the kids did the local club tri race this morning. Beforehand I wasn't really that into racing the thing but just chugging round for a fun session. Then when the flag dropped the b*llshit stopped and I was gripped by race fever. It's great to be competitive and not worry about a world where everybody is a winner according to modern PC thinking. What utter rubbish! And the chance to dish out a certain amount of pay back to a certain young lady who spanked me in the Noosa race was also being kicked around the circle. I wont start with excuses along the lines of clean swims and crazily different transitions...
Anyway back to today's massive event. I left the water with the Eek out in front as you'd expect. It was great to then over take her getting on to the bike, although not so good when she came past a mile or so in. I will have stop pushing her on the bike;-). We played cat and mouse all the way to T2 legally while watching some young guy draft the leader all the way in. Into T2 it was here that this kid showed how slow old IM go through transition and run 1500m. Luckily it was enough to keep my head high for this race at least.
Meanwhile the young guy who had been drafting the leader had been dropped and I was catching him. I was shocked to see him look over his shoulder, see me, stop pedalling and wait for me to go past. Only seconds later the kid was on my tail in the draft zone. Only for him to come past about a km from T2. This really put the bit between my teeth, as those that know me, drafting is a pet hate. Doctor Draft, SJ and Eek all have form and previous but hopefully being caught and serving their penalties has changed their ways;-).
So I was ready to do anything to beat this darfting scally . I managed to beat him out of T2 and never saw him again on the run. In the third and final swim which felt like glue I managed to stay ahead and shot out on the bike somewhat pleased cheat boy was dusted. Never say never though 'cos he came flying past about a 2kms down the road a good 5km/h faster. It was like he'd had a rocket shot up his butt. Somewhat shocked I dug in and chased to make sure he didn't put too much on me before the run. Fortunately he slowed and I went past to keep hold of my place.
Out on the run I never once looked back putting my head down and going for broke. I had the racing mist. It was ace. Luckily he couldn't go with it but I never once backed off keeping the hammer down in true race style. I crossed the line second, a fair way off first, and was really happy with the result.
As I cooled off my legs in the shark infested waters (at least it wasn't crocs) the young guy told me how he only caught me and went past on the third and final bike lap 'cos he'd drafted a bus, which he thought was ace. I told him I liked to race fairly and each of his laps drafting in whatever form didn't impress me. He just laughed and told his story to the guy next to us. I left quickly to enjoy the post race brekkie of coffee and chocolate cake.
Besides racing the kids went to Byron Bay last weekend and stayed with our friend Graham. I'd just like to say a massive thank you for letting us stay and showing us all the best places. I can see why you left wet and grey Britain.
There are some amazing beaches around Byron and we had a blast checking them out. I even had a quick play on Graham's long board, which has given me the surf bug again. Luckily there are no second hand long boards for sale around here at the mo.
Hope everybody back home is well and not hating the chilly weather too much.
Anyway back to today's massive event. I left the water with the Eek out in front as you'd expect. It was great to then over take her getting on to the bike, although not so good when she came past a mile or so in. I will have stop pushing her on the bike;-). We played cat and mouse all the way to T2 legally while watching some young guy draft the leader all the way in. Into T2 it was here that this kid showed how slow old IM go through transition and run 1500m. Luckily it was enough to keep my head high for this race at least.
Meanwhile the young guy who had been drafting the leader had been dropped and I was catching him. I was shocked to see him look over his shoulder, see me, stop pedalling and wait for me to go past. Only seconds later the kid was on my tail in the draft zone. Only for him to come past about a km from T2. This really put the bit between my teeth, as those that know me, drafting is a pet hate. Doctor Draft, SJ and Eek all have form and previous but hopefully being caught and serving their penalties has changed their ways;-).
So I was ready to do anything to beat this darfting scally . I managed to beat him out of T2 and never saw him again on the run. In the third and final swim which felt like glue I managed to stay ahead and shot out on the bike somewhat pleased cheat boy was dusted. Never say never though 'cos he came flying past about a 2kms down the road a good 5km/h faster. It was like he'd had a rocket shot up his butt. Somewhat shocked I dug in and chased to make sure he didn't put too much on me before the run. Fortunately he slowed and I went past to keep hold of my place.
Out on the run I never once looked back putting my head down and going for broke. I had the racing mist. It was ace. Luckily he couldn't go with it but I never once backed off keeping the hammer down in true race style. I crossed the line second, a fair way off first, and was really happy with the result.
As I cooled off my legs in the shark infested waters (at least it wasn't crocs) the young guy told me how he only caught me and went past on the third and final bike lap 'cos he'd drafted a bus, which he thought was ace. I told him I liked to race fairly and each of his laps drafting in whatever form didn't impress me. He just laughed and told his story to the guy next to us. I left quickly to enjoy the post race brekkie of coffee and chocolate cake.
Besides racing the kids went to Byron Bay last weekend and stayed with our friend Graham. I'd just like to say a massive thank you for letting us stay and showing us all the best places. I can see why you left wet and grey Britain.
There are some amazing beaches around Byron and we had a blast checking them out. I even had a quick play on Graham's long board, which has given me the surf bug again. Luckily there are no second hand long boards for sale around here at the mo.
Hope everybody back home is well and not hating the chilly weather too much.
The kids go head-to-head
Apologies for not posting up an entry for a while, we've had quite limited access to the internet here in Sunshine Beach, but fortunately this weekend have been able to use a neighbour's broadband, so thank you Piet.
As I type the sun is beating down, we've just returned from the beach and Ozzer is doing the washing up. Not a bad little set-up I have here! ;-)
Training has been going well and it feels like we've really settled in to the Aussie way of life. Like with most things, it can take a little while to get the lie of the land, and now we have, it's certainly going to be difficult to leave. For me, leaving the Noosa Aquatic Centre - the outdoor 50m x 25m pool where the sun always seems to shine - is going to be damn tricky. Barton Pool is nice and all that, but it won't quite cut the mustard compared to Noosa's jewel in the crown.
This morning, Ozzer and I dragged ourselves out of bed at 5am (damn crazy Aussies do insist on doing everything at silly o'clock) to take part in the Noosa Tri Club's monthly race. Each month it arranges a race of some kind, be it a full Olympic distance tri or a Christmas mystery race (next month is reportedly going to be swim-drink beer-run). Today it was the Enduro Race which sees competitors do a 150m swim, a 6km bike and a 1500m run. Before you complain that's far too easy, I'll tell you that you do actually have to do it three times through non-stop. Cue comedy scenes for us two Poms who just aren't used to swimming off the run. At one stage I realised I was heading to the water with my Oakleys still on - what a donkey!
With Ozzer and I having different strengths and weaknesses over a tri, it was really good fun racing each other (oh, and the fact I beat Ozzer at the Noosa Tri meant I think he really wanted to stamp down some authority!).
I was out of the water first, but he soon caught me on the bike and a few of us ended up getting clustered together a little over such a short bike course. On the first run, Ozzer spanked it down, putting a fair bit of distance between the two of us - but I knew I should be able to catch him in the water as we went into the second set of swim-bike-run. I did, just about (!) but the little blighter kicked my ar$e in the next transition and that was the last I saw of him. I think there was about a minute between us by the finish line, so I'll have to work on my transitions to make sure I don't lose him next time...
All in all, it was a great race. The Noosa Tri Club has a brilliant set-up with its own mini clubhouse set in the park where the Noosa Tri was held earlier this month and laid on a great post-race brekkie as well as a raffle in which everyone seemed to win something - not bad! After the race, everyone waded into the water to cool off, although I can't say I was too keen on hanging about in there, given the fact there have been numerous bull shark sightings. I have to admit, they were on my mind as I was racing through the swim. When I later admitted this to Ozzer, he said he hadn't even thought about it, but would have only been worried had there been crocodiles in there...this then opened up the debate: which would you prefer to be eaten by - a croc or a shark? Answers on a postcard please...
As I type the sun is beating down, we've just returned from the beach and Ozzer is doing the washing up. Not a bad little set-up I have here! ;-)
Training has been going well and it feels like we've really settled in to the Aussie way of life. Like with most things, it can take a little while to get the lie of the land, and now we have, it's certainly going to be difficult to leave. For me, leaving the Noosa Aquatic Centre - the outdoor 50m x 25m pool where the sun always seems to shine - is going to be damn tricky. Barton Pool is nice and all that, but it won't quite cut the mustard compared to Noosa's jewel in the crown.
This morning, Ozzer and I dragged ourselves out of bed at 5am (damn crazy Aussies do insist on doing everything at silly o'clock) to take part in the Noosa Tri Club's monthly race. Each month it arranges a race of some kind, be it a full Olympic distance tri or a Christmas mystery race (next month is reportedly going to be swim-drink beer-run). Today it was the Enduro Race which sees competitors do a 150m swim, a 6km bike and a 1500m run. Before you complain that's far too easy, I'll tell you that you do actually have to do it three times through non-stop. Cue comedy scenes for us two Poms who just aren't used to swimming off the run. At one stage I realised I was heading to the water with my Oakleys still on - what a donkey!
With Ozzer and I having different strengths and weaknesses over a tri, it was really good fun racing each other (oh, and the fact I beat Ozzer at the Noosa Tri meant I think he really wanted to stamp down some authority!).
I was out of the water first, but he soon caught me on the bike and a few of us ended up getting clustered together a little over such a short bike course. On the first run, Ozzer spanked it down, putting a fair bit of distance between the two of us - but I knew I should be able to catch him in the water as we went into the second set of swim-bike-run. I did, just about (!) but the little blighter kicked my ar$e in the next transition and that was the last I saw of him. I think there was about a minute between us by the finish line, so I'll have to work on my transitions to make sure I don't lose him next time...
All in all, it was a great race. The Noosa Tri Club has a brilliant set-up with its own mini clubhouse set in the park where the Noosa Tri was held earlier this month and laid on a great post-race brekkie as well as a raffle in which everyone seemed to win something - not bad! After the race, everyone waded into the water to cool off, although I can't say I was too keen on hanging about in there, given the fact there have been numerous bull shark sightings. I have to admit, they were on my mind as I was racing through the swim. When I later admitted this to Ozzer, he said he hadn't even thought about it, but would have only been worried had there been crocodiles in there...this then opened up the debate: which would you prefer to be eaten by - a croc or a shark? Answers on a postcard please...
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