Saturday, 24 November 2007

Bloody Buses

As you have probably read from Eek's post the kids did the local club tri race this morning. Beforehand I wasn't really that into racing the thing but just chugging round for a fun session. Then when the flag dropped the b*llshit stopped and I was gripped by race fever. It's great to be competitive and not worry about a world where everybody is a winner according to modern PC thinking. What utter rubbish! And the chance to dish out a certain amount of pay back to a certain young lady who spanked me in the Noosa race was also being kicked around the circle. I wont start with excuses along the lines of clean swims and crazily different transitions...
Anyway back to today's massive event. I left the water with the Eek out in front as you'd expect. It was great to then over take her getting on to the bike, although not so good when she came past a mile or so in. I will have stop pushing her on the bike;-). We played cat and mouse all the way to T2 legally while watching some young guy draft the leader all the way in. Into T2 it was here that this kid showed how slow old IM go through transition and run 1500m. Luckily it was enough to keep my head high for this race at least.
Meanwhile the young guy who had been drafting the leader had been dropped and I was catching him. I was shocked to see him look over his shoulder, see me, stop pedalling and wait for me to go past. Only seconds later the kid was on my tail in the draft zone. Only for him to come past about a km from T2. This really put the bit between my teeth, as those that know me, drafting is a pet hate. Doctor Draft, SJ and Eek all have form and previous but hopefully being caught and serving their penalties has changed their ways;-).
So I was ready to do anything to beat this darfting scally . I managed to beat him out of T2 and never saw him again on the run. In the third and final swim which felt like glue I managed to stay ahead and shot out on the bike somewhat pleased cheat boy was dusted. Never say never though 'cos he came flying past about a 2kms down the road a good 5km/h faster. It was like he'd had a rocket shot up his butt. Somewhat shocked I dug in and chased to make sure he didn't put too much on me before the run. Fortunately he slowed and I went past to keep hold of my place.
Out on the run I never once looked back putting my head down and going for broke. I had the racing mist. It was ace. Luckily he couldn't go with it but I never once backed off keeping the hammer down in true race style. I crossed the line second, a fair way off first, and was really happy with the result.
As I cooled off my legs in the shark infested waters (at least it wasn't crocs) the young guy told me how he only caught me and went past on the third and final bike lap 'cos he'd drafted a bus, which he thought was ace. I told him I liked to race fairly and each of his laps drafting in whatever form didn't impress me. He just laughed and told his story to the guy next to us. I left quickly to enjoy the post race brekkie of coffee and chocolate cake.
Besides racing the kids went to Byron Bay last weekend and stayed with our friend Graham. I'd just like to say a massive thank you for letting us stay and showing us all the best places. I can see why you left wet and grey Britain.
There are some amazing beaches around Byron and we had a blast checking them out. I even had a quick play on Graham's long board, which has given me the surf bug again. Luckily there are no second hand long boards for sale around here at the mo.
Hope everybody back home is well and not hating the chilly weather too much.

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